Friday, December 31, 2021

Grand challenge

This is cursory as we have just become aware of a video that provides an important viewpoint. See the "Grand Challenge" post at the Truth Engineering blog for details and for further work on the subject. 

FutureLaw presentation
Stanford Law School 

Remarks: Modified: 12/31/2021

12/31/2021 --

Saturday, January 2, 2021

MIT Sloan

 They gave us a gift: 737MAX: A Failure of Management, not just Technology. You know, I've waited 15 years for this. 7'oops7 results from watching Boeing. So, it's tied in with technical management at its core. 

We will be going into how the computer is the main source for the confusion that we see. Another? SciFi and its addling of the human brain.  

Remarks: Modified: 01/02/2021

01/02/2021 --