Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hubris or what?

Has anyone noticed, but are people counting their chickens before they hatch more than ever?

If that is so, then we all ought to be worried.

As an example, flightblogger used the present tense in reporting on a recent announcement. Granted, the post was based upon marketing literature, yet one would think that 'new media' would be a little more independent in its view and have more insight into critical thinking.

Okay, positive thinking is a nice thing; probably, it is preferred to unending negative thoughts.

Yet, is our hubris in regard to our prowess such that we see predictions (that is essentially what engineering is until the thing is to where it can perform - meaning, flying, for an airplane) as reality?

Some disciplines, such as product life-cycle management seem to reinforce the notion; it may be of interest to notice that this uses computationally-framed processing.


01/28/2009 -- Earned value issues continue to be of interest.

Modified: 01/28/2009

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